If you've been steering clear of folded roses because they seem too complicated, fear not. Just a few supplies and repetitious steps, and you'll soon realize they're really quite simple.
Quilling paper - any width will work, but 3/8 inch or 1/4 inch are used most commonly. Both are available as standard sizes or cut your own strips. About a 7 inch length makes a nice, full rose.
Quilling tool - slotted tool or needle tool (I'll use a standard slotted tool for this tutorial.)
Glue - suitable for paper
Plastic lid - use as glue palette
Paper piercing tool, T-pin, or round toothpick - to apply glue
1. Cut a strip of paper 3/8 inch x 7 inches.
2. Slip one end of the strip into a slotted tool from the left. It doesn't matter whether you are right or left handed, as both will have tasks. (speaking of hands... please excuse my winter-ravaged ones!)
The next three pictures show the fold/roll motion in progress... the first picture is immediately after the first fold, while rolling.
Tip: Make a new fold just as soon as you've finished rolling the previous one.
Look - a rose is taking shape! This is after six or seven folds... notice it's forming upside down and would make a nice little bud at this stage.
Tip: Smooth out the center crimp caused by the slotted tool by inserting and rotating the tip of a paper piercing tool or round toothpick.
Stay tuned for an upcoming tutorial on fringed flowers with uneven petals.
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